Minority and
Veteran Owned

(Adult) Educational Services

Trusted Partner Helping Families and Communities Improve their Life and Legacy through Education.
"Good Morning Eddie! Thank you for how thoughtfully and sensitively you led our agenda at the Parent Connection. You reminded each parent in the room of their immeasurable value and gave them much food for thought about empowering their children to thrive. It blessed me greatly to see them smiling and engaging and imagining what could be.
I greatly appreciate your wisdom and ability to communicate ideas as we've planned this and especially as you executed the event. You blessed those parents and you blessed me. I felt so privileged to be in that space with you, the team God has assembled, and with the parents who are at the epicenter of all He has planned for this school and this community."
- Greg Johnston, Urban Discovery Ministries
Ref: Pilot event at PB Young Elementary (Norfolk, VA)
Learn about my background, perspective and views through my poem titled Course Correction
Certified and Qualified to help you define your LEGACY ... develop LEADERSHIP skills ... improve "life and financial" LITERACY