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First 100


Two weeks after official publication of my book and I have sold over 125 copies (direct sale and amazon). Admittedly, this is a slight break from normal posts, but there are some insights to glean (near the end 🙂). My wife and I hosted our first book launch celebration in Virginia Beach with friends and family where I was able to share excerpts from the book, thank those who truly contributed to the publication and fellowship with my closest supporters. Additionally, I explained to everyone that the book publication is only the beginning - that I want to share broader messages whereby parents feel empowered to raise their children to be functional adults, which equips our future generations to reach their full potential. One exciting aspect is many of those who are buying copies are doing so for others who they believe can benefit from the principles I write about. Whether for other family members or parents who have young children, the premise is applying the principles can positively impact them and they are "paying it forward" in certain respects. Achieving the "first 100" milestone is something I will always remember, and those followers who enabled this early success have shown their belief in what I have been sharing or what they have seen in my family over the years. It is humbling to know the potential impact the sharing of my parenting lessons can have on others, and that friends, Christian brothers and sisters and acquaintances believe it as well. My social media following is slowly growing and over the next month I have three book launch celebrations to further share. As with any success, we should take time to reflect and appreciate the journey, acknowledging that success is a point in time whereby we build upon to get further success. And we must understand what steps were taken - mentally, physically, spiritually and financially and how our decisions, opinion and attitude factored. I do not know where this road will lead, but I have the ultimate trust in who is guiding me and the purpose He has for me ... so this is just the beginning, but indications are it is a good one.

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